Eccentex AI Services

Eccentex AI Services are an integrated part of the new Eccentex HyperAutomation Cloud offer and are available for all customers regardless of their size, industry or use case.

Eccentex AI Services

Eccentex AI Services are an integrated part of the new Eccentex HyperAutomation Cloud offer and are available for all customers regardless of their size, industry or use case.

Generative AI Capabilities

PII Masker
Analyze, detect and automatically mask out every PII – Personal Identifiable Information from incoming emails, webforms, documents, text messages, voice scripts, work-items, tasks or cases to make them invisible for agents to protect customers’ privacy.
Smart Responder
Semantically analyze and understand incoming emails, webforms, documents, text messages, voice scripts, work-items tasks or cases then automatically generate a hyper personalized response using the relevant data components from various inputs.
Solution Inventor
Eccentex AI helps you to create an end-to-end automated business application that can include Process Steps, Workflows, Procedures, Master Data Model, Forms, Attached Documents, KPIs, Reports, Integrations, etc. based on a simple command line text input.
Report Generator
Automatically create dashboards, KPI or Performance reports around a business solution that ERC created. Considers people, processes, data and integrations and create the report structure down to data fields including relations and filters.

AI Services for Case Management

Auto Classifier
Analyze and understand the context of a case, task or email then tag and/or segment them according to pre-defined business rules.
Priority Manager
Analyze case & email content and understand their sensitivity, severity, urgency and possible relationship with other cases to set their priority.
Escalation Manager
Detect untouched, delayed and/or misallocated tasks, cases & emails and automatically reassign or escalate them to supervisors or managers.
Auto Resolver
Auto detect tasks and cases that can be closed without human intervention, initiate standard handling procedures, auto resolve them and inform end users.
Attachment Checker
Stay aware of must-have documents, forms, attachments that need to be collected or filled during the business process and enforce their completion.
Auto Transferer
Detect cases and tasks that are likely to miss their due date then automatically transfer them to the next available case manager in a forced push mode.

AI Services for Customer Engagements

Sentiment Analyzer
Identify the sentiment of all written interactions while informing managers and supervisors about intervention in real-time.
Auto Notifier
Follow due dates, deadline policies to inform customers in case of status changes, missing documents, approaching deadlines, etc.
Be informed of all business process related information while informing and guiding customers at every step during their case handling process.
Work Distributor
Distribute tasks, work-items, cases to any resource groups based on multiply business rules even across overlapping or blended skill groups or shared work bins.
Email-to-Case Creator
Automatically create cases from emails or form other written documents based on pre-defined business rules and classification criteria.
Concierge Bot
Understand customer communication by identifying intent, decide on next best actions and hand over interactions to the right resources, when needed.

AI Services for Productivity Improvements

Elastic Searcher
Use an intuitive elastic search engine to find patterns in written documentation, cases, emails or knowledge bases articles based on text input.
Auto Scheduler
Our AI is aware of all resource calendars and is able to autonomously schedule/reschedule appointments with customers without human intervention.
Fraud Detector
AI stays aware of all business process related procedures and is able to detect process discrepancies, suspicious behaviors or purposeful mishandlings.
Knowledge Assistant
Virtually consolidate various knowledge sources and deliver adequate recommendations while pulling relevant knowledge articles.
Policy Enforcer
Recognize all case, task, email and document related business policies and enforce them with document/report compliance and deviance.
Auto Reminder
Follow process milestones and deadlines while sending automatic reminders to customers via their preferred communication channel.

AI Services for Document Management

Character Recognizer
Eccentex AI Services equipped with fully automated Optical Character Recognition engine that works on any major media types. Eccentex Auto OCR able to process Dynamic Documents contains fields that move or change size. The OCR Engine reads the documents like a human and able to handle any changes in formatting and style. Eccentex’s OCR technology can extract typed, handwritten text, or text from images and able to convert them into digital data format that can be used in business process automation.
Visual Code Recognizer
Eccentex AI Services provides a full scale Barcode recognition features for Enterprises to easily to automate Inventory Management, connect digital tags to and key data components to any physical assets, track assets movement and automatically update the related data bases. The solution includes easy bar code scanning and inventory management from smartphones that also can attach location information and digital images to the asset repository.
AutoDoc Composer
Eccentex Auto Document Composer leveraging Ecceentex AI Services to guide and enforce business rules in document creation, indexing and version following through centrally managed templates. The Document Composer eliminates formatting mistakes, non-branded layouts, missing or incomplete data inputs and ensure the collection and store of all related document attachments. Eccentex AI Services automatically apply document tracking, version following, compliance and SLA enforcing across all document types.

Platform-Level AI Services

Business Rule Engine
Our bundle has an embedded business rule engine that can be configured on company, department, procedure or even a process level to ensure the consistent execution of all necessary business decisions in real-time. The rule engine is responsible for resolving potential KPI conflicts, overall (business level) priorities and the automatic reallocation of tasks and resources.
Auto Code Generator
Eccentex HyperAutomation Cloud platform is equipped with multiple visual builders that need no IT knowledge to graphically build workflows and business processes. Once the visual design of the process or data model is outlined by administrators or business analysts, they can deploy business processes in the system with one click. The system also performs consistency and compliance checks.
SLA Enforcer
Our HyperAutomation Cloud offer has an embedded SLA Enforcer that secures the consistent execution of all business tasks in the correct order within their given due date/SLAs. This engine can detect early trends that could lead to missed due dates or unfulfilled customer commitments then automatically deploys corrective actions to avoid them with resource assignments or reprioritization.

Generative AI Capabilities

PII Masker
Analyze, detect and automatically mask out every PII – Personal Identifiable Information from incoming emails, webforms, documents, text messages, voice scripts, work-items, tasks or cases to make them invisible for agents to protect customers’ privacy.
Smart Responder
Semantically analyze and understand incoming emails, webforms, documents, text messages, voice scripts, work-items tasks or cases then automatically generate a hyper personalized response using the relevant data components from various inputs.
Solution Inventor
Eccentex AI helps you to create an end-to-end automated business application that can include Process Steps, Workflows, Procedures, Master Data Model, Forms, Attached Documents, KPIs, Reports, Integrations, etc. based on a simple command line text input.
Report Generator
Automatically create dashboards, KPI or Performance reports around a business solution that ERC created. Considers people, processes, data and integrations and create the report structure down to data fields including relations and filters.

AI Services for Case Management

Auto Classifier
Analyze and understand the context of a case, task or email then tag and/or segment them according to pre-defined business rules.
Priority Manager
Analyze case & email content and understand their sensitivity, severity, urgency and possible relationship with other cases to set their priority.
Escalation Manager
Detect untouched, delayed and/or misallocated tasks, cases & emails and automatically reassign or escalate them to supervisors or managers.
Auto Resolver
Auto detect tasks and cases that can be closed without human intervention, initiate standard handling procedures, auto resolve them and inform end users.
Attachment Checker
Stay aware of must-have documents, forms, attachments that need to be collected or filled during the business process and enforce their completion.
Auto Transferer
Detect cases and tasks that are likely to miss their due date then automatically transfer them to the next available case manager in a forced push mode.

AI Services for Customer Engagements

Sentiment Analyzer
Identify the sentiment of all written interactions while informing managers and supervisors about intervention in real-time.
Auto Notifier
Follow due dates, deadline policies to inform customers in case of status changes, missing documents, approaching deadlines, etc.
Be informed of all business process related information while informing and guiding customers at every step during their case handling process.
Work Distributor
Distribute tasks, work-items, cases to any resource groups based on multiply business rules even across overlapping or blended skill groups or shared work bins.
Email-to-Case Creator
Automatically create cases from emails or form other written documents based on pre-defined business rules and classification criteria.
Concierge Bot
Understand customer communication by identifying intent, decide on next best actions and hand over interactions to the right resources, when needed.

AI Services for Productivity Improvements

Elastic Searcher
Use an intuitive elastic search engine to find patterns in written documentation, cases, emails or knowledge bases articles based on text input.
Auto Scheduler
Our AI is aware of all resource calendars and is able to autonomously schedule/reschedule appointments with customers without human intervention.
Fraud Detector
AI stays aware of all business process related procedures and is able to detect process discrepancies, suspicious behaviors or purposeful mishandlings.
Knowledge Assistant
Virtually consolidate various knowledge sources and deliver adequate recommendations while pulling relevant knowledge articles.
Policy Enforcer
Recognize all case, task, email and document related business policies and enforce them with document/report compliance and deviance.
Auto Reminder
Follow process milestones and deadlines while sending automatic reminders to customers via their preferred communication channel.

AI Services for Document Management

Character Recognizer
Eccentex AI Services equipped with fully automated Optical Character Recognition engine that works on any major media types. Eccentex Auto OCR able to process Dynamic Documents contains fields that move or change size. The OCR Engine reads the documents like a human and able to handle any changes in formatting and style. Eccentex’s OCR technology can extract typed, handwritten text, or text from images and able to convert them into digital data format that can be used in business process automation.
Visual Code Recognizer
Eccentex AI Services provides a full scale Barcode recognition features for Enterprises to easily to automate Inventory Management, connect digital tags to and key data components to any physical assets, track assets movement and automatically update the related data bases. The solution includes easy bar code scanning and inventory management from smartphones that also can attach location information and digital images to the asset repository.
AutoDoc Composer
Eccentex Auto Document Composer leveraging Ecceentex AI Services to guide and enforce business rules in document creation, indexing and version following through centrally managed templates. The Document Composer eliminates formatting mistakes, non-branded layouts, missing or incomplete data inputs and ensure the collection and store of all related document attachments. Eccentex AI Services automatically apply document tracking, version following, compliance and SLA enforcing across all document types.

Platform-Level AI Services

Business Rule Engine
Our bundle has an embedded business rule engine that can be configured on company, department, procedure or even a process level to ensure the consistent execution of all necessary business decisions in real-time. The rule engine is responsible for resolving potential KPI conflicts, overall (business level) priorities and the automatic reallocation of tasks and resources.
Auto Code Generator
Eccentex HyperAutomation Cloud platform is equipped with multiple visual builders that need no IT knowledge to graphically build workflows and business processes. Once the visual design of the process or data model is outlined by administrators or business analysts, they can deploy business processes in the system with one click. The system also performs consistency and compliance checks.
SLA Enforcer
Our HyperAutomation Cloud offer has an embedded SLA Enforcer that secures the consistent execution of all business tasks in the correct order within their given due date/SLAs. This engine can detect early trends that could lead to missed due dates or unfulfilled customer commitments then automatically deploys corrective actions to avoid them with resource assignments or reprioritization.

Contact Our Sales to Learn More

Our sales team is ready to demonstrate the power of Eccentex AI services based on your preferred use-cases

Contact Our Sales to Learn More

Our sales team is ready to demonstrate the power of Eccentex AI services based on your preferred use-cases

Improve your productivity with Eccentex AI Services

Leverage the extensive set of Eccentex AI services across all your platform components to improve your customers’ and your employees’ experiences, automate Business Processes, eliminate human errors and improve efficiency across your organization in an easy way.

See Eccentex AI Services in action

Check out how is being used to redact Personally Identifiable Information (PII) within our email solution. 

Main Benefits of AI-Assisted Case Management

AI helps companies to capture, share and keep knowledge up to date

How AI Helps Companies

Instead of trying to rely on employee's tribal knowledge, AI can assist you to capture, curate, standardize, and share knowledge across all business units and employees in real-time.

Best practices can be identified and captured automatically as well as process discrepencies or customer experience pitfalls.

The whole organization can learn together and build the enterprise knowledge base in a collaborative way with the help of AI orchestration.

Save 60% of wasted employee time with proactive AI-assistance

How AI Saves Employee Time

AI can assist front and back office workers with context-aware suggestions regarding case-handling.

The knowledge worker assisstant AI is connected with the company knowledge bases, product documentation, website FAQs, corporate templates, procedural databases and proactively pools the relevant information without the employee's need to search for it.

AI also saves time by suggesting next best actions and sending notifications.

AI can decrease average process handling time by 35% or more

How AI accelerates case & task processing

AI can collect and auto-populate relevant information inside the agent's desktop.

AI understands the case context, is aware of the case history and attached documents, and understands the relations between different cases which helps employees avoid processing mistakes, oversee missing or incomplete documents, repeat unneccesary interactions, forget important due dates, or wrongly triage cases.

Read our latest blogs to learn more about Eccentex AI Services

Read our latest blogs to learn more about Eccentex AI Services

Cross-Cloud AI Orchestration

Eccentex AI services are able to work in orchestration with 3rd party AI components such as OpenAI GPT, Google PaLM 2, Azure Cognitive Services and more to jointly deliver the best possible customer and employee experiences.


Standard API connectivity for AI-federation


Shared AI services across all Eccentex applications


Automated knowledge base updates


Direct AI connection with messaging services

Frequently Asked Questions

Eccentex AI services are different from standard, well-known chat or conversational AI capabilities, here is why.

How can I leverage Eccentex AI services?

Eccentex AI services are included in the HyperAutomation Cloud license bundle. For those customers who already have Eccentex platform licenses, Eccentex AI Services are automatically enabled across all platform components they are using.

Which products are supported by Eccentex AI services?

Eccentex AI services are directly connected with all capabilities inside the HyperAutomation Cloud such as Dynamic Case Management, Operational CRM, Smart Knowledge Base, Advanced Email Automation, Work Distribution, Workflow and Process Automation and more. 

Are there any usage based charges for using Eccenex AI services?

Usage based charges only applies for those integrated 3rd party AI components that comes with transaction based charging. Eccentex AI Services Essentials has no transaction based charging and it is included in the HyperAutomation Cloud offer that means your operational cost does not scale proportionally with your transaction volume. 

How can I start using Eccentex AI services?

You do not need to do anything because the AI services are automatically involved in every workflow or process step, where it is applicable. Eccentex HyperAutomation Cloud proactively leverage Eccentex AI services in every prediction or decision that needs to be made to automate and optimize your business processes in an easiest possible way.